I've been an awful good girl
i love myself, but im not self-centered(: yeah, im nice,if im in the mood that is.

[ ] Get an average of 70%
[ ] Stop procrastinating
[ ] Listen to her parents
[ ] Not get angry so easily
[ ] Get into double science
[ ] Keep her promise





Designer: crayonzxc
Friday, March 12, 2010

Posted at 5:10 AM

Friday, February 5, 2010
this post is dedicated to you,and if you don't know who you are,
that's just sad.
Who the hell gave you the right to boss us around?
Further more, use vulgarities at us?
haven't you already figured out that you SHOULD NOT organise anything, cus you can't?
Can you leave it to people that can actually get people's attention,
or maybe someone who thinks rationally and not just bursts out?
No right.Why?
-You want to do EVERYTHING.
-You want EVERYTHING to go your way.
You can never once let someone who has more brains do it.
If you had some brains you would know that the way to get people's attention is to
be talking to the NICELY.you don't scream at them, you don't shout at them and you
NEVER use vulgarities on them.
Then after we tell you we're not happy with you, you cry.
What, you expect us to accept your behaviour?dream on sweetie.
You can go ahead and cry, i don't give a damn anymore.
all your empty promises, false apologies, im really sick of them.
You know there's a limit to what I can take, what WE can take.
You're annoying.
You're a liar.
You're ignorant.
You're self-absorbed.
You're full of drama.
Lastly, i don't like you.

Posted at 3:32 AM

Sunday, January 24, 2010
you know now that im not going to madrasah,
i have to go for talks instead.
and i freaking love it.
you know why?cus there are plenty of stories
and it's FUNNY+you learn a lot(:
today went for my first one, saw mdm kamariah.
the place was superpacked):
but we still managed to get places to sit(:
the guy talking was once a to be priest
but then he felt unhappy and went on a holiday to Cairo.
and that was his first introduction to Islam(:
really enjoyed it(:
especially after i read in the papers,
Penggunaan Allah hanya orang Islam,
The word Allah is only meant for Muslims.
which i am totally against.
if non-muslims can't use Allah we can't use Jesus.
don't understand some people.
anyway, im slaccking again, NOOOO!
im gonna be freaking hard working this year,
top 10 baybehh:D
okay, im not gonna post much from now on cus im a busy person(kidding!)
im just too lazy.lazy to do bad stuff.

Labels: ,

Posted at 4:54 AM

Friday, January 22, 2010
i thought i was way over you,
but now that i've seen you again, i don't know.
i tell myself you're not worth it, but still.
i find myself thinking about you at night, in the day
and wonder why you haven't messaged me.
im in total confusion over whether i like you or not.

Posted at 6:01 AM

Sunday, January 10, 2010
stupid school.releasing us freaking late lah!
get rid of the stupid reading period and lunch and we can go back at 1.15pm!
want us to improve our english, go improve your freaking english first lah!
damn all the stupid minds there.
if i sound whiny, deal with it.
i don't want to go home at 2.15++
with all the irregular timings.ughh, cannot have a sense of order is it?!
shit the damn person who suggested the stupid timetable.

Posted at 4:56 AM

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
HOD AT HAI SING!hahaa, cool!
but i might have to change class cus my volleyball clashes with tuition):

Posted at 5:43 AM

Monday, January 4, 2010
i can't believe i actually miss my brother.
he hasn't like stayed in our house for don't know how long.
it's like 1 week once only.sometimes not at all.
in a way it's good cus there's no fighting, but still,
it sucks.

Posted at 2:24 AM