I've been an awful good girl
i love myself, but im not self-centered(: yeah, im nice,if im in the mood that is.

[ ] Get an average of 70%
[ ] Stop procrastinating
[ ] Listen to her parents
[ ] Not get angry so easily
[ ] Get into double science
[ ] Keep her promise





Designer: crayonzxc
Monday, June 29, 2009
school started already.BOO;[
im not in the mood to post cus im very sad you know why?
1)school started
2)i didn't accomplish anything today
3)Mr Raihan is our P.E teacher
i just slept till 5+ then stared at my work then
read a book and now im using the com.im gonna copy malay hw frm someone:D
im gonna get my prepaid today i think.
changing number):
very lazy tell people.
im thinking about wearing pants during PE.
im scared my mum's gonna catch me wearing shorts.
i prefer pants lah but not the pants i once wore for PE.
it's very hot.but then i also don't want to be the only one wearing.it's kind
of odd..see first lah.

Posted at 6:36 AM

Friday, June 26, 2009
You're Awesome But I'm Just Awesomer
i just watched episode 11 and im still reeling from shock.
i hardly breathed while i was watching.it was very intense.
i hate jimmy.act as though he's innocent.
im thinking the kid that wakefield had is jimmy.
but what's his intention of killing, i have no clue..
can't wait for the next episode.
sad you know only got 2 episodes left):
i don't think i'll be able to sleep at night.
todays episode really scary/intense.maiinly shocking.
now im going to calm my mind by watching something else(:

Posted at 6:45 AM

Thursday, June 25, 2009
MJ is dead.i really can't believe it.
he'll be greatly missed:'(

Posted at 11:45 PM

You're Awesome But Im Just Awesomer
yesterday very tiring you know.
didnt sleep well cus needed to get up 3 times
to shit):
then i woke up at 9am cus going Johor.
supposed to leave at 10am but only left at 11am.
took 39 to yishun then mrt to Kranji then 750.
you know the city square mall in in the customs building itself?
i bought a small sling bag.i don't know why but i was into spots ytd.LOL
then i bought a pouch thing to keep my MP4 and handphone.
i aslo bought SHINY eye-liner.
my mum gave us 50rm to spend.the clothes there all like 30rm++
my sis bought this dress like hoodie.very pretty.
i wanted to get it also but then the smallest size didn't fit my shoulder):
i made everyone walk up and down you know!I MADE THEM LOOSE WEIGHT!:D
i couldn't decide on which bag to buy that's why.
then my sister wanted to buy multi-coloured eye-liner.but then she couldn't find it
so she bought like 4diff types of shiny eyelinr.altogether was 40.10rm
My brother..he ah seriously don't know how to keep quiet.
anw he bought a pair of shoes.
You know i managed to get my mum to give us each an extra 20rm.im so awesome(:
that way my brother could buy his shoes.stupid person.
then we ate at some Italian food place for lunch.
i didnt like anything.sorry.
mushroom soup wasn't thick.
fish wasn't fresh.
drink i didnt have.
cake..i took the oreo cheesecake the cheese part nice the crust,BLECH.
for dinner went to a hawker centre.
i was having a stomach ache so didn't eat.
i ate a little bit from other people.the food not that great.
oh you know for tea we went there.my dad ordered tea(duh..its tea)
it was all water only.i ordered milo..also almost everything was water.
you know we watched Blade the vampire movie.
my family was laughing(except for my dad..he fell asleep)
then everyone was staring at us.malaysians no sense of humour seh.jkjk(:
my relatives there are freaking awesome.haha.especially farouq.
anyway,when the enemy came.she's damn ugly and can't speak proper english.
couldn't understand half of what she was saying.
she pronounces silly as "siry"
"siry girl,kirl me,kirl me your owrn mother"
everything got the "r" sound.
don't watch it unless you need to laugh.its a waste of money.
in the whole movie they never even mention that the lead is a vampire.
stupid people who created this movies.must be expensive to make.actually not realy
only the fighiting scene.
anyway you know i wanted to watch transformers today but then all the time slots
fully booked.so maybe tomorrow go with my cousins all.
hopefully lah.megan fox is mean you know.go find out yourself.
byee people.i want to change my skin-again.

Posted at 10:00 PM

ABC About You Questions:
A - AVAILABLE: yeah.but no.
C - CRUSHING ON: Jesse McCartney(x
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: anyone who is willing to listen
F - FAVORITE SONG: Currently,Relapse.
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: BEARS!its cool when the head gets ripped off:D
H - HOMETOWN: singapore.
I - IN LOVE WITH: my bags(:
J - JUGGLE: sure.i'll juggle eggs if you want just make sure you clean up the mess.
K - KILLED SOMEONE: in my dreams,yeah.MRS CHOO
O - ONE WISH: no schoool.
R - REASON TO SMILE: to get my way.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: told you so..its an awesome song(:
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 11.15am
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN: forgot:X none of my underwears got pattern lah.LOL.too personal.xD
W - WORST HABIT: talking in my sleep.apparently i said 'why can't i be the princess' in my sleep yesterday/
Y – YOYOS ARE: great weapons(x

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: Qlh bnt mrzh lm rf.[names starting with a Q look weird] :P
What color do you wear most?: PURPLE:D
Least favorite color?: hot pink.
What are you listening to?: Skyway Avenue-We the Kings.
Are you happy with your life right now?: nope.schools starting.BOO!
What is your favorite class in school?: recess.actually not really.some people are real idiots.
Are you outgoing?: yep!
Favorite pair of shoes?: Converse.but i can't wear them now..to small already:(
Where do you wish you were right now?: in the bathroom.i really need to pee.
Can you dance?: i never tried.i probably can though.im quite flexible.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: nope.ive never even a cherry before
Can you whistle?: nope):
Write with both hands?: yupp.my left hand's ugly though.
Walk with your toes curled?: who can't?

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: once i see it, i'll believe it.
Do you believe in miracles?: yeah.i just hope one will happen to me.
Do you believe in magic?: yeah.
Love at first sight?: yupp.saw this bad ytd and fell in love with it but it was too ex so didnt buy):
Do you believe in Satan?: yeah.duhh
Do you believe in Santa?: nope.but i wish it was real:D
Do you know how to swim?: yeah.
Do you like roller coasters?: depends.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: i'd rather swim with crocodiles.

Been to jail: nope.but my mum&aunt have.
Laughed so hard you cried: yesyesyes!
Cried in school: Primary One&Primary 6):
Thrown up in a store: nope.not once.
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: yep!
Gone skinny dipping: ew.gross.i have dignity okay!

btw,skinny dipping is like you go swimming naked.

Posted at 9:17 PM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
haha im more american now.
anyway, tomorrow im going to
JOHOR BY BUS!*gasps*
im so EXCITED!:D
hahaa.i was telling syahirah just now
and she got excited for me.LOL
weird right?haha she's awesomee(:
im a geek you know.i played this game on my phone
spent like hours just trying to get the highscore-_-"
you know my sister's addicted to this karaoke game.
she's singing now.you know?dont know right.LOSER.
OHH!you know today i made cookies ad it went wrong.
BOOO!i didnt even make the batter lah.it was my sister's left over
dough from the last time she made cookies.
all i had to do was roll it into balls and bake it.
simple right?yes,but it came out burnt.aww..
anyway the first batch only was burnt.the rest taste fine(:
dd you all watch harper's island last week?
WAKEFIELDS ALIVE.and now they're suspecting Jimmy):
Jimmy looks so innocence.aww.looks are deceiving.
I HATE MADISON.she deserves one tight slap i tell you.
people dying also can like.ARGH.that kid ah.weirdo.
Jimmy's hot you know.jkjk(:
andand i like Project Runway.
so stressful watching you know.haha
i get very involved in the show i watch.
like heroes i'll be screaming at the damn characters if they do something stupid.
ELLE BISHOP(Kristen Bell) is coming back:D
how i dont know..sylar killed her when she though he was in love with him):
i am amazing.from johor to sylar.haha
i want to go now.my tv is calling.LOL.
anyway bye.ohya,no extended holidays.damnit.
byebye.cya all nxt week.

Posted at 7:36 AM

Tag 21 people randomly:
1) Ayu
2) Khoiriyah
3) Soo Jing
4) Sarah
5) Wani
6) Nicole
7) Coey
8) Yao Shian
9) Syafiq
11) Syahirah
12) Nusaiba
13) Xi En
14) Jesse McCartney
15) Jacob
16) Jerome
17) Shu Juan
18) Nicole Ong
19) Vanessa
20) Charlotte
21) Wing Kit

Q1. How did you get to meet 7? (Coey)
Well we're in the same class.

Q2. What will you do if you and 15 never met? (Jacob)
Argue about something.that's what we do.and he's lousy at it.xD

Q3. What will you do if 20 and 1 date? (Ayu&Charlotte)
I'll keep my distance..maybe lah

Q4. Have you ever seen 17 cry? (ShuJuan)
Hahah nope but her fake cry seriously seems real.

Q5. Would 4 and 16 be a good couple? (Sarah&Jerome)
A lot of girls like him..erm once they meet,we'll see.

Q6. Do you think 11 is attractive? (Syahirah)
Of course lah!she's my babe okay!

Q7. What is No 2's favourite colour? (Khoiriyah)
hehee.im not sure.sorry(:

Q8. What was the last time you talk to 9? (Syafiq)
If he replies my msg,today.or else i think last week.

Q9. What language does 8 speaks? (Yao Shian)
Chinese&English.i think he knows a little bit of hokkien/cantonese.I THINK ONLY.

Q10. Who is 13 going out with? (Xi En)
She;s single.

Q11. What grade is 12? (Nusaiba)
Grade 9(:

Q12. Would you ever date 17? (ShuJuan)
Im not a lesbian+im not permitted to date.LOL

Q13. Where does 18 live? (Nicole Ong)

Q14. What is the best thing about 3? (Soo Jing)
She's EVIL.:D

Q15. What would you like to tell 10 right now? (Germaine)
I miss you!

Q16. What is the best thing about 20? (Charlotte)
She's nice(:

Q17. Have you ever kiss 5? (Wani)
I'll give her a FLYING kiss when school starts(:

Q18. What was the best memory you have with 21? (Wing Kit)
..hmm,talking about how head prefects suck(:

Q19. When's the next time you're going to see 6? (Nicole)
In my dreams.xD

Q20. How is 14 and 12 different? (Nusaiba&Jesse McCartney)
One was a blond turned brunette the other has black hair.

Q21. Is 19 pretty? (Vanessa)

Q22. How did you meet 20? (Charlotte)
In my sec school.

Q23. Is 1 your best friend? (Ayu)
She's one of them(:

Q24. Do you hate 12? (Nusaiba)
HOW CAN YOU?!SHe's awesome(:

Q25. Have you seen 18 last month? (Nicole Ong)

Q26. When was the last time you saw 16? (Jerome)
last week during badminton(:

Q27. Have you been 5's house? (Wani)

Q28. When is the next time you're going to see 10? (Germaine)
When school reopens.(:

Q29. Are you close to 13? (Xi En)
not really..

Q30. Have you been to a movie with 4? (Sarah)
Nope. Im not allowed again until Sec4

Q31. Have you gotten into trouble with 8? (Yao Shian)
haha i think sarah,syafiq and i got into trouble cus of him.talks too much.xD

Q32. Would you give 19 a hug? (Vanessa)

Q33. When have you lied to 3? (SooJing)
Nope.she sees right through you.

Q34. Is 16 good at socializing? (Jerome)
Yeah (:

Q35. Do you know a secret about 9? (Syafiq)
Well i know stuff people don't know but i don't think it's secrets.
ohh.he told me a secret about someone.does that count?:x

Q36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 14. (Nusaiba&Jesse McCartney)
They're the best of friends.xD

Q37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9? (Syafiq)
he's a boy who gossips:D

Q38. What's the worst thing about 6? (Nicole)
A little bit too loud at times but she's still awesome(:

Q39. Have you ever had a crush on 12? (Nusaiba)
We're like family.Family members don't have crushes on one another.

Q40. Does 14 have a bf/gf? (Jesse McCartney)
He was once with Katie Cassidy, i think his single now.

Q41. Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face? (Ayu)

Q42. Has 21 met your mother? (Wing Kit)
If he read the Newspaper last Monday he would've seen my mum.

Q43. How did you get to meet 15? (Jacob)
In P4.

Q44. Have you physically hurt 3? (Soo Jing)

Q45. Do you live close to 7? (Coey)

Q46. What's 8's favourite food? (Yao Shian)
must be sweets!xD

Q47. What kind of car does 1 like? (Ayu)
don't know.but i know it'll be pink.

Q48. Have you ever travelled anywhere before with 9? (Syafiq)
Yeah.from the hall to the classroom.from the classroom to the canteen.
from the canteen to the classroom.as you can see we travel
A LOT together.LOL.xD

Q49. If you give 14 $100, what will he/she spend on? (Jesse McCartney)
He's rich enough already.I don't share my $

Posted at 6:13 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pick the month you were born:
January-------I kicked
February------I loved
March--------I karate chopped
April----------I licked
May----------I jumped on
June----------I smelled
July-----------I did the Macarena With
August--------I had lunch with
September----I danced with
October-------I sang to
November-----I yelled at
December-----I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a snowman
6-------a gangster
7-------my mobile phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbour
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18-------a spoon
19------ - a smurf
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an iPod
29-------a surfer
30-------a homeless guy
31-------a llama

What is the last number of the year you were born:
1--------- In my car
2 --------- On your car
3 ----------- In a hole
4 ----------- Under your bed
5 ----------- Riding a Motorcycle
6 --------- sliding down a hill
7 --------- in an elevator
8---------- at the dinner table
9 -------- In line at the bank
0 -------- in your bathroom

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White---------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink-----------because I'm NOT crazy.
Red-----------because the voices told me to.
Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I think I need some serious help.
Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!
Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway.
Brown---------because I can.
Other----------because I'm a Ninja!
None----------because I can't control myself

Then, make them into the title (((:

I danced with a monster sliding down a hill because Big Bird said to and he's my leader

haaaha.a monster's my alien.MONSTERS RULE!monsters vs aliens, who wins? MONSTERS BABY!

Posted at 4:47 AM

long time havent post ah.aww.not like you care -_-"
today played badminton with
very fun&funny.hee~
yeah so anyway,after badminton went to loyang point
with jacob&vanessa(sort of)
i forgot to collect my $$ ):
OHH!you know what.
im OBSESSED with
haha its an on and off thing.
i dont know which album to buy.
demi lovato|Jonas Brothers|Taylor Swift|Jesse McCartney.
OHYA!i went to the IT show on sunday.(last day)
then I bought a MP4(ion)
i got last piece.i came home then i was looking
through it.seeing all the functions.
it's 4GB then got camera,then can store lyrics and stuff all.
i was supposed to pay $74
but then my sister went on Saturday and she got it for $69
so i told them then the guy said 'okay'.
so stupid lah.last day ur supposed to decrease the price not INCREASE!
yeah,so i was looking through it and i realized i got the tester piece.
the one that was used to show people.then got pics and stuff all that lah.
im alright with that but then 1 part of the MP4 was missing.
screw those people lah.so i think im going to the place
in albert street on thursday/saturday.whichever is free.
im done posting.

Posted at 4:29 AM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
i completed ALL my history.
tomorrow i MUST do all my sciences and
i shall save Thursday to read The Pack&do the comic thing.
and friday maybe badminton with the people:D
ohh.i found out that the Ayesha Khameed person
actually from wsps.and i know her!
she went to tkgs now i dont know where she is.
Just now my brother was talking to the phone with someone.
i think its Ayesha while reading some person's blog.
i think he's planning to prank call someone.
i managed to get his friends blog.:D
i so kpo right?that's what YOUNGER siblings are for people!:D
ohh!just now saw Adil and he's like redder now.
andand I HATE SLUDGE.post about it tomorrow.
i want to sleep now.
so bye.
i feel sticky but im too lazy to bathe.
this is what i get for bathing early.-_-

Posted at 9:09 AM

Monday, June 8, 2009
today we were supposed to play soccer but we
cus only 4 ppl going including me.
we canceled last minute.
nvm lah.another time when more people can go.
im going to my grandmas house late:D
get to see Adil again.hee.
ohya,my other cousins also going.they came
back from Australia yesterday.
Im going to go now.bathe/eat,
whichever i want.

Posted at 9:04 PM

so to today i woke up at 1306.
my latest so far.:D
hahaa.i take pride in the time i wake up.
then i ate lunch(forget about breakfast man!)
then i started researching on marco polo.
haven't really written down anything.was plannig to complete it today
but my mum asked if i wanted to go Tamp1.
i havent been there before so i was like "uh.ok ah"
so i went to bathe then we left.
Was looking around at the shops.So damn ex lah.
it's like the cheapest piece of clothing in the mall is
so anyway we just looked,didn't buy anything.
we went to ALL the shops except for Topman.
THen my mum wanted to get some sports shoe her feet got
problems then there's this shop in tamp1 that recommends shoes.
then went there.the guy spent a lot of time with my mum
and in the end he said she shouldn't buy
cus 1 of her foot got problem.i dont know what though.
then after that we wanted to but doughnuts frm J&C(i think)
but then the queue was long so didn't.
then was walking then i saw Aunty Anne's pretzels.
Long time since i've eaten it so i bought the Caramel Almound.
it was AWSOMEE!and it costs like $3.30 in malaysia 3ringgit only.
then i shared some with my mum.then she decided to but for the whole family.
then we went to cold storage, got a lot of stuff there you know.
then bought taco shells&seasoning&taco sauce(forgot what's it called)
after that went home.i saw gisella and her brother!
she said i looked weird with my scarf and i was like well, get used to it.
my mum was too lazy to cook so we ate at mac's.
oh did i tell you?my grandma got a new tv thats not 19"
andand Adil sleeps in the afternoon and cries at night.
weird baby.ohh, and he likes me a lot:D
when i carry he doesn't cry.AWESOMEE RIGHT?!
i was like holding him then my sis wanted to hold so i gave it to her
then he started crying.then she tried to quieten him but it didn't work
so she gave him back to me and he kept quiet.
i was like "HAH!HE DOESN't LIKE YOU"
im tired now.BOO!

Posted at 7:24 AM

Sunday, June 7, 2009
so Adil's/Aadil's home.still havent decided on how to spell his name.
the Muhammad also got problem.Muhammad/Mohammed
anyway.HE'S SO FREAKING CUTE!obviously lah, my cousin what.(x
went to the hospital at like 12+ then over there they say can only be
discharged at 3pm cuz they need to do some other test.
so my uncle his children and i went walk around the hospital.
i prefer SGH.more fun.haha didn't know hospitals were diff.
he's eyes really small.not that small but still small
compared to his siblings which are HUGE.and he dosen't have thick
eyelashes also unlike his siblings.
THen over there we ate Mac's.
Very troublesome you know bringing Ilham(3yrs) and Safwan(6yrs)
to walk.they're like "i want this" . "i want that"
"please,please" -_-
annoying you know.
then i carried that kid for an hour then my arms were sore.
he cried a lot cus he was hungry then get a little bit of food only
kept quiet.UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE.(me!haah)
im currently in my grandma's house.alone with some guy
whose here to repair the toilet door and also with the tenant.
the rest all upstairs.they eating mango.that's why im not going.
+it's crowded.
hmm..i'll post pics to boasts about my cous:D



Posted at 6:50 AM

Saturday, June 6, 2009
im so EXCITED!
the baby's coming home today.:D
you know his name is Muhammad Adil?you don't know right,i know.
so weird.its so malay sounding.
It's like the most malay-est name in my family.
haha so i saw some of the pictures taken at the hospital yesterday.
i didnt go.BOOO!
he veryveryvery FAT.and CHUBBY and CUTE.
but all the pictures taken was with his eyes closed.):
big eyes run in the family people.except for my 3yr old cousin.some
chinese kid.who looks like voldermote.xD
yeah so now my uncle,grandma and my two cousins going to fetch
my aunt and Adil from the hospital.im not going cus i haven't bathed..
it's 10.27am lah!what you expect.im amazed i actually managed to wake up so early.haha
yesterday slept at my uncle's house then we were eating Ruffles
and i was the one who ended up having to throw the packet.
i was walking to the dustbin then i saw a lizards and RAN out.
stupid lizard damn big lah.i saw it go out the window.
hope it has a painful death.I HATE LIZARDS PEOPLE!
you know why i woke up so early?because my damn cousin woke
up even earlier then me then started to talktalktalk to himself -_-
so i woke up at 9.15am then went to my grandma's house to brushteeth and eat.
then i watched tv.yesterday my grandma's tv was like very orange
then like at 8+ its was just orange.
Then got instant replacement.the tv i got for buying the tv
was in my grandmas house so we used that.Now we watch on some 19inch
tv.the quality quite good.yeah so anyway later going to buy a real tv.
it'll be as old as this baby.the other tv was as old as my brother.
i find it so cool.Oldest and Youngest.
yeah.i want to do something else now.

Posted at 7:22 PM

Friday, June 5, 2009
so today at 2.45am my cousin was born.
so now cannot go my grandmas house until after 2pm.
ohh ya.yesterday watched Night At the Museum 2.
i like the bobble-head Einsteins.
"that's the way uh-huh uh-huh i like it uh-huh uh-huh"
the monkeys very funny also
and then after the movie then going home time, my mum decided to pick a fight with my bro
that had no point.so stupid/funny.we were all laughing at her lah.
my brother was smsing some girl called Tasha throughout the movie
then in the car was still smsing.
then my mum started saying a lot of crap.A LOT.
she was like"talking to a girl too much is unhealthy"
then i was like"so he's going to become gay lah"
then my mum said yes.
then i was like "i talk to guys so what am i now?"
apparently on thursday when they(bro&mum) was on the bus
my bro said "you have a mustache"
then he said this in the car so my mum said those guys who don't have
a mustache is a pondan(gay..i think)
then i was like "thats it lah, shajikaka's(my uncle) gay."
we were all laughing lah.except for my mum(cus she was making a fool of herself)
and my dad(don't know why)
then my bro,sis and me all started talking about buying my bro nail polish
guy liner, foundation
and then making his hair like adam lambert.
then at home my brother said "i like to keep my options open"
meaning he's either can choose to be straight or gay.
hahaa.way to top off a good movie.
HOTTER THAN ROBERT PATTINSON!agree?yeah i know you all agree.

Posted at 8:40 PM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
this is like my 3rd post for today!
just now went to the airport.very fun leh.
we were all like running around.me&my younger cousins.
my sister's too old you see.so is my cousins, cousin.
sec 4 and sec 2 respectively.
yeah so i raced my cousins cousin,mind you he's a boy
we took the trolley thing then got our younger cousins to sit
then we pushed them.we ran frm like burger kind to starbucks/coffee bean
was so out of breath when came back lah.then my throat was so damn painful.
my cous almost vomitted cus he ran too much.
then my sis brought her cookies which are VERY nice.
then safwan(my cous was like
safwan:i only eat biscuits
me:cookies are biscuits
safwan:no what, its spelt differently
me: yah but its the same thing
me:no lah*stares*
-_- cmon lah!
yeah so im gonna have another cousin
tentatively on 26th June.
im not really looking forward to it
cus i dont like just born babies..their skin creeps me out.
also their shit damn disgusting lah.
anyway i gtg.

Posted at 8:57 AM


And his boyfriend

Posted at 5:16 AM

take damn long to relink everyone-AGAIN!
hence the word 'relink'
now i have to eat|:
nvm.ppl can wait.
then this morning went to sarah's house to do the HIstory.
her fatass brother was on the com.he really damn ugly&FAT.
then he didnt allow us to use the com.
i went into sarah's room then watch videos on her phone.
then later went to her cousins house to fetch them come her house.
her cousins very entertaining leh.especially the Keng HOng person.
very weird.then called firman on MY phone then he was like
'hey sweet thang!' so funny lah.
then i was trying to re-call him to tell him it wasnt me.
after giving the bday preseent i seriously think he
has gotten the wrong idea.then today,*sigh* confirm lah.
kk wait i go eat.
then the keng Hong he was coughing then puked in his hand.
i got grossed out.i seriously can't stand seeing people puke.
i can't stand if i puke also.
then keng hong almost going to puke i quickly got out of the room lah.
ohya.shawn's friends also came.very noisy ppl.
then when we got the com we couldnt open the file cus sarah
didnt have microsoft..
then she took out some old laptop but couldnt get a connection+the charger
had something wrong and the battery was dying already.
reached there at 9.30 went home at 12noon.sarah bought for me kinder bueno
i feel so guilty you know, she buy me lots of stuff already and
i haven't gotten her much.*sigh*
then reached home i slept till 3.then woke up and did some work
i slacked today.tomorrow im gonna study, HARDCORE!
later im gonna send off my cousins to Australia.
they going to Gold Coast to meet SpongeBobSquarePants and Catwoman
catwoman sucks.
spongebob ROCKS!:D
we're leaving at 9pm i think.
then having ice-cream..somewhere.
thats all for today.

Posted at 4:44 AM

Monday, June 1, 2009
so,so, what do you think?!
i like it.so you should like it to.
uh oh its MIDNIGHT!
i got to go sleep.

Posted at 8:59 AM

so today i woke up and
and as usual, thinks didn't turn out as planned.
i don't get it lah.i have no luck with baking.
this time i was VERY careful with the measurements
and stuff but still!*grunts*
the cookies came out rock hard.i guess the only good thing was
that it was sweet.so anyway i threw it away.
waste my time only lah.
beating the egg alone took me like 40mins
cus they said beat till stiff.
then i was beating and beating and then i got fustrated
and asked my mum to check.then she said i over-beated it.-.-
very sian leh.
then after that i ate my lunch.
then called xien ask if she going for the vb thing tomorrow.
then she said no.
i asked audrey, she said no.
i asked bernice, she said no.
i asked Jezebel, she said no.
i want to go but then no one going so don't want.
anyway after that.OH SHIT!I FORGOT TO CALL AYU!
ah crap lah!soorry sarah!very sorry.i'll call tomorrow..
if i remember.
screw my memory.
so today i completed like 1 page+of quizzes.
i can't believe there's HOME ECON homework.
stupid lah.
ohya, about the quizzes.the one made by ms thang seriously damn crappy.
i showed it to my mum.now she's goinng to..
ah nvm lah.ask if you want.
after doing the quizzes, i bathed.
you know, i don't like GOING to take showers
but i like to HAVE a shower.
im weird, deal with it.
then i think i ate, then read the qu'ran(do your history!)
then i watched JUS! im improving my malay(:
im so hardworking right(x
then i watched 'Gadis Merah Jambu'
the people can't act but the girl is pretty.
then watched some desperate housewife.
eva longoria's funny!
then was told to turn off the tv.
then i went to my mum's room and lay down on the bed and listened
to the radio AND DREAMED.about something.happy.
my dad just turned on the tv.
my house smells like durian*losing consciousness*
i think now im starting to bore you,
oh and i just found out that there are now
7 cases of H1N1
ohya!khoiriyah told me today that sec1&2 same class!
haha so i was happy(:
andand you know my brother called 999 5 times on 15may
in between 12.37 to 12.56
the police sent him a letter.SO COOL RITEE?!
hahhaa i know!xD
i want to go now.
byee.im bored of saying bye.
toodles~(influence from HSM)

Posted at 7:58 AM