I've been an awful good girl
i love myself, but im not self-centered(: yeah, im nice,if im in the mood that is.

[ ] Get an average of 70%
[ ] Stop procrastinating
[ ] Listen to her parents
[ ] Not get angry so easily
[ ] Get into double science
[ ] Keep her promise





Designer: crayonzxc
Friday, July 31, 2009
im going my grandmas house today and then
my relatives frm malaysia coming tomorrow!!:D
haven't seen mariam in a loong time.
see lah my dad still haven't call me back to say if he can send
me and my sis -_-'
MRs Adris's fainting was awesomee!
made me feel important.don't know how but yeah.LOL.
so dramatic lah(looked fake at first)
apparently there's a rumour going on saying that she is in
CRITICAL CONDITION.which is freaking stupid.
people say 1e1 started it.
to THAT person:You're an attention-seeker,bitch!
can't wait for soo jing's birthday:D
but cus i have a stupid wedding on that day probably can come later only.
im bored now.so im going to stop.

Posted at 2:20 AM

Saturday, July 25, 2009
im using the new laptop!!:D
haha its kind of small but it looks really cool.
you see, im boasting.
don't be so boastful aqilah.it's rude you know!
im bored as you can see.andand im REALLY tired.
today went swimming with my sis,aunt and nusaiba(family friend)
we went to the pool at SENGKANG.
it was really cool.
the pool has its own JACUZZI(i don't know if it a 's' or 'z'
we left my grandma's house at 9.20(why so early,i dont know)
then took 119 to compasspoint.then waited for nusaiba.waited like for 20mins
so we walked around.all the shops haven't open yet except for some..
the BORING one's only open.
she came then were supposed to take LRT.
we took the wrong one):
so from sengkang, came back to senkang.
we supposed to take it to farmway.
all the names very weird.
there like 'rubia.mahkong,tokong' dunno lah
i found some funny.hee(:
then got there the stupid locker swallowed my 40cents.
got something wrong with it-_-
after put our stuff then went for the
SLIDES!!it was really fun but only got like 4different types):
but i thought the twistytwisty one was the best.
we swam 12laps!! and then just now i was walking
back from the carpark and my legs got tired.
im resting them now.tomorrow im going jogging
with my aunt and nusaiba.my sis can't come cus she's got tuition.
then next week again got swimming and squash!:D
hopefully im not as pathetic as last last week.
i was really bad.som,e annoying kid was like 'why's she so bad'
then my sister heard then when i came out of the court i stared at the guy
and made sure he heard my comments about his tennis.
oh yes,ayu,be strong okay.don't let people bring you down.
"turn that frown upside down!"
no more keeping quiet kayy!
anyway,im happy for people.(:


Posted at 8:36 AM

Friday, July 17, 2009
long time since i've posted.aww.
my blog is DEAD and i HATE all of you for not tagging.jkjk(:
but seriously,tag.
so today was sarah's birthday.i wished her like 3times!xD
I <3 her cousins.so awesomee!especially the on in ANGLICAN.
you know why? CUS HE WATCHES HEROES!!
then the barney guy was there.i wanted him to do the barney thing
but he didn't.): i was sad..
then XingFong(don't know how to spell)
he's the p5 kid.the anglican guy called him a girl then he
became really sad.OHH!and sarah's cousin..erm..thinking of the name.
Edrea i think.she's so FREAKING CUTE!i wanted her to hi-5 me
but she didn't cus she was scared.
then the barney guy(benjamin i think) bribed her.said he would give her
a sweet if she hi-5ed me and she did!but then after that i asked her to
hi-5 me and she did.i was so proud cus she likes me MORE than
i got sarah marshmallows and a book(: you wanted more books(:
then at 9pm SHARP my dad came.i didn't want him to come.
i didn't want to leave.ohh i helped sarah make some cornflakes thing too.
she gave me the jobs that i couldn't screw up but i think
i did.hee.i suck yet im awesome:D
then left same time as soo jing.hugged sarah then went):
then my dad didn't know how to go back home(: then he drove till tamp mall there
then he knew.he doesn't like tampined you know.
haha.anyway im done.wish khoiriyah had stayed longer.but nevermind,
her cousins still awesome(: can't wait to meet them again.haha.they're like
oh and, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!-again.
(4th time!:D)

Posted at 8:17 AM

Saturday, July 4, 2009
guess what?!im having fever.cough and slight cold.
had the fever right after i came back from school.
sorry to those who were near me(:
so went to the doc ytd.
if tomorrow still got fever i have to go back.
all my symptoms same as soo jing.
was talking to her on the phone yesterday and we were comparing.
so i told her about stuff in school.she told me something.
and to someone,
_ _ _ _ _, GET A LIFE!
soo jing told miss thang i was sick then she called me
when i was about to go to the doc, then she said she'll call back
but she didn't/
anyone know how to send msg on asknlearn?
anyway today was suposed to go for Camp Syukur but didn't/aww
my cousins all came back they said it's a lot of fun):
im jealous.you would be too,
they got to roll down a hill inside those really big balls.
fun right?!
came to my grandma's house then ate,watched tv then slept till like 7+
then i took panadol.i was burnin up.
hehe.so now im sweating cus my fever just broke.
you know i can swallow one panadol but not 2.
i tend to choke on the second one.don't know why.
ohh. the doc gave my antibiotics!it smells like the rabbit sweet.taste
like it too:D
you know at the doc right.we're good friends with him(:
then we started talking about movies and then he got so
excited talking about transformers.weirldy cool.LOL
anywayy.i don't like coughing.especially yesterday.
when i coughed my head hurt):
im going to go sleep now.byee!

Posted at 6:53 AM